Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Me Likely

Today was my second day back in the office since we closed for COVID, and things are slowly starting to feel normal again. Yes, there are Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, gloves and masks everywhere I look, but perhaps that's going to become the NEW normal for corporate America.

Although I miss some aspects of working from home, one thing I'm embracing: wearing makeup, doing my hair and showcasing my unworn dresses. I have a back log I've been dying to wear!

Today's dress from the Likely brand is super flattering. I love long-sleeve dresses, which are actually perfect for the days when it's sunny and hot outside and cold inside (Georgia air conditioning). You can find the dress at Saks and on the Likely website.

Shoes: Christian Louboutin Pink Peep-Toe Pumps

The heels are high and the color is a perfect fit with the dress.

I'm slowly learning the best places for my daily #OOTD photo. Chapin took this one for me after work. Feel free to leave feedback in the comments!