Monday, February 21, 2011


It's President's Day today, and while many companies are off, sadly I am here at the office. I didn't remember it was a holiday for many businesses until I drove to work and realized that there were not as many cars on the road as usual. Then I glanced down at my outfit today and felt pretty silly. I am wearing red, white and blue on President's Day. I swear I didn't plan it this way!

I bought this BCBGMaxAzria dress back in 2009. I found it on heavy clearance at and thought it would look so cute. This was also during my red and blue phase, when I was obsessed with wearing red with navy. (Don't ask.) I think I've worn it once since first purchasing it, and you can see why. It really doesn't do that much for me... I look like a big firework. 

Good thing I don't have too much going on in the office today. With many of our clients' offices closed, I don't have any meetings, and can focus on knocking out a few things that I desperately need to finish.

Have a good day!