Although I don't have children (yet?), sometimes I think I can understand how a mother must feel when her child starts growing up and needing her less and less. Let me explain: George has recently decided that our leather chair is his new "spot." He will climb up there and go to sleep, or just sit contentedly and watch all the action in our house from afar.
The chair is in a corner of the room that is not optimal for TV viewing, so since I usually eat breakfast while watching Good Morning America or The Today Show, I do so from the couch... which means he is not right next to me. This morning, I actually got his pillow, picked him and put him down on the couch next to me so I could eat my cereal and pet him. Well, he wasn't having any of that. He promptly jumped off the couch and returned to his chair, even though I had already moved his pillow. How rude!
But I know he loves me. He likes to lick the lotion off my legs in the morning, and I believe he was going in to get some licking action this morning when this picture was snapped. I thought it was so cute, I had to use it on the blog today.
This silk jersey purple wrap "Paige" dress is from Cynthia Steffe, and Courteney Cox actually wore it on an episode of Cougar Town last season. (A great, funny show... I hope you are watching!) As most celebrity followers know, Ms. Cox is currently separated from her husband, David Arquette, and though I don't know them personally, I feel sad about their break-up. Scream has always been a personal favorite movie of mine, and I loved how they met on the set, married and stay married for so long. I am still hoping for a reconciliation. They just always seemed so cute together.
By the way, if you ever want to find out what a celebrity is wearing on the red carpet, on TV, or in a new movie, check out
I paired today's dress with my gold BCBGMaxAzria Idil Heel Sandals and my new black purse. More details on the purse to come later!